Chair's Welcome
Welcome to the Urban Design & Preservation Division

Kris Krider, Chair
Urban Design & Preservation Division (UDP) members embrace the built environment’s past and future. In the coming years, we must lead as we adapt, shape, and design our public realm and built environment to meet the challenges and opportunities presented in our post-pandemic recovery and deal with broader planning concerns such as climate change and affordable housing.
We welcome those interested in urban design and historic preservation to join our community. Our division enjoys a broad and diverse membership, with our members coming from the public and private sectors, academia, not-for-profit organizations, and students. We encourage collaboration with your professional colleagues and provide opportunities to develop your knowledge and skills.
While many division members are engaged with some aspect of urban design or historic preservation, we encourage all to join. Even if your primary planning interest focuses on affordable housing, economic development, sustainability, equitable communities, or climate change, we all have a stake in the design quality of our built environment, an equitable public realm, and the conservation of our public history.
The Division offers various services, from webinars, articles, case studies, and conference events, a design competition and scholars program for students, to our new Design-Preservation Rapid Assistance Team (D-PRAT) community program to engage your interests and increase your knowledge. This year, we’re also excited to collaborate with our partners, the National Trust for Historic Preservation and the American Institute of Architects, on programming that explores the intersection of planning, design, and historic preservation.
As a volunteer-based organization, we rely upon our members to share their time and expertise. Please join our division and explore ways to become more involved. You’re welcome to contact us with questions and inquiries.
Kris Krider, Chair
Urban Design & Preservation Division