Current Opportunities

APA Historic and Cultural Resources Policy Update

The APA Urban Design and Preservation Division (UDPD) and Legislative Policy Committee (LPC) are exploring preservation planning policy updates to more effectively advocate for federal and state action as planners deal with the intersection of planning, preservation, and change in our built environment. For further information and to participate in this effort, please visit the initiative webpage.

D-PRAT Site Visit (In-Person and Virtual) Volunteers

Our Design and Preservation Rapid Assistance Team (D-PRAT) program seeks in-person and virtual volunteers for our future workshops in host communities. If you are interested in participating in future D-PRAT site visits, please contact Chair-Elect Marianne Stuck.

APA Student Planning and Design Competition Jurors

As part of our co-sponsorship of the annual APA Student Planning and Design Competition, our Division members serve as initial jurors to screen and rank team submissions. If you are interested in volunteering to serve as a juror in a future competition, please contact Kris Krider, Chair.

Get Involved with UDP! Join a Division Committee

Interested in becoming more involved in the Urban Design and Preservation Division? Join a committee to increase your opportunities to network and work on issues you care about. Our committees include:

  • Design-Preservation Rapid Assistance Team
  • Historic Preservation Committee
  • Urban Design Committee
  • Professional Development Committee
  • Member Outreach and Communications Committee

If you want to volunteer for a committee, please contact Kris Krider, Chair!