Candidates Needed | 2018 Division Elections

Dear UDP Members,

The Division is holding an election for its next Chair-Elect and Secretary Treasurer. Candidates must be members of both the APA and the Division.

Submit nominations by July 8th, 2018.

Candidates are required to submit:

  • A resume in PDF format;
  • A statement (max. 300 words) describing what you envision the position to be, and what you hope to accomplish on behalf of the Division;
  • A head-shot;
  • Any APA/AICP or related credentials; and
  • Current work or academic affiliations

All nomination submissions should be sent to Please note that submissions will be unedited and published as received by the Division.

More about the positions:

Chair-Elect: The Division Chair is responsible for the management and administration of all Division programs, policies, and activities. The Chair position is a six-year leadership term, with two years as 'Chair-Elect,' two years as 'Chair,' and two years as 'Immediate Past Chair.' 

  • As Chair-Elect, one works closely with the Division Chair to learn about APA and Division activities and requirements. The Chair-Elect will supervise and coordinate programs and projects as determined by the Division Chair. The Chair-Elect may serve as a proxy for the Division Chair at leadership meetings or other Division activities, and in the absence, vacancy, death, or departure of the Chair.
  • The Division Chair is required to travel to and attend APA's annual Fall and Spring Leadership Meetings to represent the Division, participate in APA work sessions, and serve on the APA Divisions Council, including attendance at the Fall and Spring Divisions Council Business Meetings, and participation in a Divisions Council subcommittee as assigned by the Divisions Council Executive Committee. The Chair prepares and submits the Division's annual Work Plan and Budget, and annual Performance Report.
  • The Immediate Past Chair is a member of the Division's Executive Committee, and works on Division projects or programs as determined by the Division Chair.

Secretary-Treasurer: The Division Secretary-Treasurer is responsible for the record keeping of the Division, including managing and reviewing financial records and reports from APA to ensure that Division funds are reconciled. The Secretary-Treasurer works closely with the Chair in the preparation of the Division's annual Work Plan and Budget, and annual Performance Report.