Town of Center, Colorado

About the Engagement

The Urban Design and Preservation Division’s group of volunteers for the very first Design-Preservation Rapid Assistance Team (D-PRAT) visited Center, CO, on October 18th-19th to support the community in their effort to collaboratively plan for the future of urban design and historic preservation in their downtown area.

Their goal was to outline a conceptual master plan for a 90-acre property the Town had recently purchased. Through their work, they helped the town respond to future housing needs; plan land uses and celebrate the historic character of the original downtown; create new opportunities for education, youth, and community interaction; and provide for improved quality of life for the town’s residents.

Project manager and planner Brian Foote, AICP, and historic-preservation specialist Brad Wolf, AICP, worked collaboratively with the host community and the nonprofit organization Downtown Colorado, Inc. (DCI). Marianne Stück, AICP, led a “virtual,” off-site team of additional Division volunteers, including urban designers, to assist and support the on-site team through Zoom meetings.

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Photos from Around Town
