Articles and Case Studies
Member Library Welcome
For the quarter: Our very own Immediate Past Chair, Brian Foote, Takes a look at how members are spread across the globe!
Updated: February 18th, 2023

Submissions, EDGE, Publishing Schedule
Articles: Members may submit articles related to urban design and/or historic preservation at any time they wish. Articles will be considered for publication to the library. Submittals will be approved or denied and the sender will be notified by email in either instance.
Case Studies: Case studies are distinguished from articles by the depth and breadth of exploration into a topic. The Division maintains a program to seek out studies that may be of heightened interest to members, though case studies may be submitted at any time for consideration of publication to the library.
EDGE: EDGE is the Division’s quarterly, and features a quick glance at the latest articles we’ve published, what we’re reading from around the web, upcoming events, and news related to Division affairs. Featured articles in EDGE are thematic and the themes for the year are as follows:
- Spring: Planning's new horizons
- Summer: The public realm, public health, and public rights
- Autumn: How tech is influencing the design of your communities
- Winter: Sustaining community through the winter months
Publishing Schedule For EDGE:
- Spring: Articles due by end of April
- Summer: Articles due by end of July
- Autumn: Articles due by end of October
- Winter: Articles due by end of January
About the Programs
Although membership is spread across the country, many planners confront the same problems on a daily basis. The Division endeavors to publish articles and case studies that celebrate and highlight the diversity of approaches used, and hopes the studies will come to be a resource for members, illuminating common issues in our field and sparking dialogue amongst practitioners.
Members interested in publishing with the Division may send their work to Brandon Robinson, Communications Director.
Non-members: Please contact Brandon to see if you can publish your work with us.
Need Funding?
Members can apply for a research grant! Grants vary in amount and are given on a first-come basis. If interested, please follow the link below.