Knowledge Center

Articles and Case Studies Library
Although membership is spread across the country, many planners confront the same problems on a daily basis. The Division endeavors to publish articles and case studies that celebrate and highlight the diversity of approaches used, and hopes the studies will come to be a resource for members, illuminating common issues in our field and sparking dialogue amongst practitioners.

The Urban Design and Preservation Division strives to keep our members up to date on ideas impacting our built environment. We look forward to expanding our library to enrich our members' experiences.
Our webinar program delivers the quality of presentation that you'd expect from the National Conference free of charge to our members, and covers topics in design, preservation, ethics, and law.
The Division seeks to connect our members with resources that may be of interest or help, including linking to other groups that members may be interested in joining or interacting with.
Divisions Council Initiatives
The APA Divisions Council Initiatives address emerging issues and bring a focus to cross-cutting planning challenges from the diverse perspectives of twenty-one planning specialty and interest areas. These interest areas currently include the sharing economy, smart cities and sustainability, preparing for a more dynamic population, and aging and livable communities.